Frequently Asked Questions

What size am I?

We are happy to help you find your size and the easiest way is to set up a call so we can gather information and suggest your proper size. Email us: and we can set up a video call, regular call or even email exchanges if you prefer.

Can I order Bespoke or MTM online?

Bespoke: no. MTM, yes.

My clothing doesn’t fit, what should I do?

We offer free MTM upgrades for first time customers. We do this via an online call using our ready to wear garments as base fitting sizes. Before you send clothing back, email us so we can set up a video call and conduct an online fitting. Then return the product to us and we will start to tailor your custom garment.

How long does MTM take?

It takes 4-6 weeks in most cases for us to tailor your products, ship them off and have you receive them.

Other Questions? Contact us.

Send us your questions and we will get back to you ASAP.